
Kevin J Johnston hasn’t fared well in court lately

  • July 3, 2021: found guilty of contempt (x3) in AB due to his unabated incitement of others to defy public health restrictions.

  • July 29, 2021: found guilty of contempt in ON for ongoing defamation of Mohamad Fakih.

.The backstory to the Ontario contempt hearing is wild. KJJ was ordered to pay $2.5 million for saying “hateful & Islamophobic” things about Mr. Fakih and Paramount Foods. He was also permanently restrained from making additional defamatory statements.

(That case also involved Ron Banerjee, who wisely tapped out at an early stage of the proceedings. He made a public apology and the case was settled for an undisclosed amount.)

It should be noted that Mr. Fakih is a national treasure. He has more integrity in his pinky finger than is contained in KJJ’s entire being. True to form, he is about to teach a lesson to a man who repeatedly flouts court orders & rule of law.

I was able to tune in for part of the Ontario contempt hearing, and got to watch KJJ flounder in court. It was pathetic. Certainly, Justice Myers had some choice words. You can read the entire decision, but these are a few of my favourite excerpts:

This isn’t the full extent of KJJ’s legal woes.

  • July 12, 2021: pleaded guilty to charges of criminal harassment (inc. doxxing) of an AHS inspector and causing a disturbance. He served 10 weeks in custody.

  • Currently: facing assault charges in BC & hate crime charges in ON.

If things don’t go KJJ’s way with the contempt sentencing decisions, he might end up being in jail for the Calgary mayoral election. Awkward, since he’s a candidate.

I don’t watch the KJJ Show livestream because I try to limit my intake of pure, unadulterated garbage. I was having a nice evening until people contacted me about KJJ’s “debate” challenge. Turns out his locust crowd is how he got the idea in the first place (thanks, Joan).

PS I already had this comic in the works before KJJ put my name in his filthy mouth. Credit to RG for the inspiration


Lord Kenney


Where the Streets Nave No Name