Anti-Vaxx Logic

Although not a monolithic group, as a general rule I wouldn’t say that anti-vaxxers are known for having coherent or consistent viewpoints. Yet they have no qualms about imposing their (often misguided) opinions on others.

Elected officials should be aware that anti-vaxxers are infiltrating vaccine clinics.

The recent demonstration at Nathan Phillips Square is unlikely to be repeated, although who knows. But it seems the new plan of attack is to attend vaccination clinics, either incognito to sow doubt while in line and/or steal vials, or openly to distribute pamphlets and “engage people.”

I have repeatedly said (and still believe) that we cannot police our way out of the pandemic. But Doug Ford and/or John Tory would be remiss to not enact rules about interfering with vaccination clinics. This is no different than protestors accosting women at abortion clinics.


Tabloid Takes


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